Landscapes in the Foothills

Who I Am and What I Do
I've spent 35 years in the landscaping trade, 27 years of it in residential landscape design. I started my design-life in the San Francisco Bay area where I studied at UC Berkeley and moved to the county of El Dorado in the Sierra Nevada foothills 23 years ago.
The foothills encompass both cold winter and dry summer weather, and along with shallower soils makes gardening here particularly challenging. I feel fortunate to design among the natural beauty of this area. It provides a wonderful backdrop to create gardens well suited to this unique area on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
I have new (new to me) certifications in Fire Landscaping and California native plants, enhancing my ability to create regenerative landscapes. I've taken recent opportunities to work in Amador County and the Sacramento Valley, challenging my understanding of natural systems - including local watersheds. In those lower elevations, I also take advantage of the warmer winters and deeper soils when choosing plants.
I enjoy educating my clients so they can appreciate all the gifts that their landscapes can provide. There is always more to learn in landscaping, I find it a life-long fascination!

Marcia's Landscape Design Building Blocks

Creating a landscape that you enjoy LIVING with
Creating a sustainable landscape that also sustains you

WATERSHED APPROACH (G3 Watershed Wise Professional, CNPS Certified California Native Plant Landscaper)
Creating Habitat.
Nurturing the Soil.
Conserving and reserving our water.
Utilizing California native plants whenever possible.
Integrating the intelligence of nature for sustainable, even regenerative landscapes.
WATER EFFICIENCY (Qualified Water Efficiency Landscaper)
Water conscious landscapes, choosing plants that thrive on less water.
Choosing efficient irrigation design.
Creating landscapes that reflect and respect our local climate.
TREES (Certified Arborist)
Trees help create spaces that feed your spirit, support so very many creatures, and care for our planet.
Support the most important plants in our landscapes:
Nurture our trees!

CHALLENGING SITES (Certified Landscape Designer, Certified FireScape Landscaper)
Life in California: Heat. Limited Water. Low rainfall.
Life in the California foothills, add: Deer. Gophers. Poor Soil. Fire.
Choose a Landscape Design for gardening success!